Hey there lovely readers,
Have you ever had one of those nights where you just can’t sleep? If you're shaking your head "no," then either you're an alien or you've got some secret I’m dying to know! For the rest of us mere mortals, those sleepless nights can be as frequent as bad hair days. 🙄
Recently, I've been experiencing this bedtime saga on repeat. I toss, I turn, I fluff the pillow, then I flatten it. I count sheep, then llamas, and even tried counting the number of times I've said "I'll start my diet tomorrow." And when all else fails? Ah, my trusty phone. That tiny rectangular portal to another dimension where sleep is but a distant dream (pun intended).
But wait! It gets better (or worse?). Some nights, I am not just guilty of swiping through my phone. Nope. I go all out and grab my laptop, conjuring up my inner Shakespeare and start crafting poetic verses or drafting the next big novel.
Now, I know what you're thinking: “Uh, didn’t someone say screens before bedtime are a no-no?” Yes, they did. That someone was every sleep expert ever.

We've all heard it – the siren song of screens is luring us into a restless abyss. But can we truly escape? Yes, we can, and here’s how:
1. Old School Alarm Clock:
Remember those vintage contraptions with numbers and annoying beeps? Time to bring ‘em back! Keep your phone away from the bedside and invest in a good ol’ alarm clock. Your brain will thank you, even if your ears won’t.
2. Book It:
Swap your device with a physical book. Feel the pages, smell the paper, and get lost in a different kind of story. The kind that doesn't have a backlight trying to ruin your REM cycle.
3. Bedroom Sanctuary:
Turn your bedroom into a screen-free sanctuary. No laptops, no tablets, just soft pillows, calming scents, and maybe some calming tunes if you're into that.
4. Mindful Habits:
If meditation isn’t lulling you into dreamland, try other mindful activities – sketching, journaling, or even knitting. As long as it's not on a screen, it’s worth a shot!
5. Tech-Free Hour:
Begin with just one hour. No screens allowed. Slowly, you can increase this duration, and before you know it, you'll have carved out significant tech-free time each day.
So, here's the challenge: let's try to detox from our digital delights, at least before bedtime. Maybe, just maybe, the sandman will visit more often, and our dreams will be filled with restful nights rather than Instagram notifications.
Until next time, I'm off to (hopefully) get some sleep – and no, not with my phone!
Stay rested,